Who We Are ??
Promocodeclub.com is coupons and deals aggregator website where buyers looking for lucrative offers visit our site. Our motive is to save money of the online buyers who migrate to our website to get offers of different Indian e-commerce websites in a single dashboard. We are associated with the most powerful players of e-commerce market like Paytm, Jabong, flipkart, eBay, freecharge, mobikwik and a lot more.
We are a booming industry having huge opportunity to learn and nurture your skills. We provide a positive and professional workplace where one can put his/her ideas into actions. We encourage youngsters having innovative and exclusive thoughts which can put forth our company in the path of success.
We are a pervasive brand in India having 10millions visits a month, 90 thousands downloaded mobile app and we provide a business of 50 crores per month to our partners. We cover fashion, food, travel, hotel, recharge coupons and many more categories.
Featured job opportunities at PromoCodeClub
1-Full Stack Developer ( Core PHP, Python, MySql ,Nodejs , Perl)
2-Content Writer
3-SEO/Digital marketing expert
4-Android and iOS APP Developer
5-Graphics Designer
Being a part of PromoCodeClub you can see yourself in the zenith of your career and can create a benchmark
for others.
So Apply Now…
Mail Your Resumes at [email protected]
Promocodeclub(Unitplex Solutions Pvt Ltd) |
622/A, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha |
PIN : 751007 Phone: 0671-3190890 |